About Us

U3A Highvale is a member of U3A Network Victoria and part of the world-wide Universities of the Third Age movement that began in 1973.  The Glen Waverley branch started life at the Highvale Retirement Village in 1996.  As a voluntary, non-profit organisation, our purpose is to provide access for semi retirees, retirees and senior citizens to the ‘getting’ of wisdom, information, knowledge, new skills as well as physical activities in environment that is inclusive and enables a sense of community. This life-long learning experience is conducted in a friendly and enriching environment which is conducive to people in retirement.

We help to combat social isolation and develop social interactions with senior community groups especially in Glen Waverley, through interesting conversations, courses and physical activities.

Our Covid 19 Guidelines

For face-to face classes in Highvale Village and/or Manor

To ensure the safety of all, when a case of Covid 19 is present within the village, the Keyton management protocol is as follows.

  • If the infected person is a Highvale resident, they are required to isolate until they have a negative RAT test and have no remaining symptoms.
  • No infected visitor is permitted to enter the premises.

For members of all face-to-face classes at any venues

If any class member has Covid or flu like symptoms the member should take a RAT test for Covid and if positive they should:

  • Notify their tutor.
  • If the member has face to face classes in Highvale Village, additionally you should notify the Highvale office (phone 9881 2800).
  • Not attend any class premises until 7 days after testing negative.

U3A Highvale Incorporated

ABN: 22 078 922 652

Incorporated Association Registration Number: A0035750D